Sunday, July 03, 2005

The grass is greener

Our pastor said something like this one time...

"I would venture to say that those who want to be in someone else's shoes, thinking the other person's circumstances were easier, if given the chance to do so, would soon want to be back in their own."

There have been many times when I have thought, "My life is too difficult. _______'s life seems so much easier." More often than not, I am immediatly reminded of what our pastor said. God has given each of us our thorns. He knows the purpose of each one and the issues that need to be weeded out for His glory.

Better to keep my shoes on and let the thorns fall where they may.


Truthseeker said...

Heidi, I saw your comment on Life in the Shoe under "Mennonite Observations" and was curious as to the fellowship that you and your husband attend. I have a rather varied church history too and I wondered what, other than God, led you to the church that you currently attend in contrast to the ones that you came from. If you do not care to elaborate, it is OK. I just find it refreshing to meet Christians from other main line churches that are seeking a closer walk with God and a simpler life. As you can "see" we Mennonites can get rather involved with our "issues" and "rules" from that post Dorcas wrote. I appreciated your comments. I have read your earlier posts and find them encouraging, I will be back.

Anonymous said...

Truthseeker, thank you for the encouragement. From things you have written on other's blogs, I sense a lot of insight and wisdom. I look forward to reading more. I would enjoy reading about your background as well, if you are willing. I plan to post about my background soon.