Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The other night our family played hide-n-seek.

My children kept looking for me in the washer and dryer.

I guess I can take it as a compliment that they think I'm small enough to fit in there...


Anonymous said...

Hello! I wanted to try and answer some of the vaccination questions you left on my blog. IPOL is a polio vaccine that does not use aborted fetal cell lines. The only thing I am unsure of is if they still produce it. If it is the oral vaccine they do not. If it is an injection they may still have it, you will have to ask your doctor.

As for getting the less common vaccines, particularly the single dose versions of larger group ones, like measles only instead of MMR, or tetanus only instead of DPT, my understanding is that you have to ask your doctor to special order them for you. They do not usually stock them in office because there is usually low demand for these. I have read recommendations that you try and locate other families in your state who would be interested in coming to your doctor's office for the vaccine in question to make it more likely that your doctor will be willing to special order it for you. The vaccines typically come in a package of no fewer than 10 doses and the doctor may be unwilling to order just for one family due to the expense and the possibility that the other doses may sit on a shelf until their expiration date and be wasted. Please let me know if there is any other way that I can help you!

Jenn said...
