Monday, January 16, 2006

Amazing Week- Part 2

Thursday was a busy day preparing for my daughter's birthday party. I will write a separate post later this week with pictures.

Just as a disclaimer, I have been given permission by the family to share details of the weekend...

Friday was filled with preparing for 3 couples staying in our home for the weekend. I tell you, we cleaned areas that hadn't been cleaned for some time!

Friday night we drove to the visitation. The line wrapped around the sides of the largest church in our area to see Krystal's body and talk with the family. In the back were pictures of Krystal and her family, including pictures of their two children that passed on to Gloryland before her. Out in the foyer was another table with pictures and notes of love and encouragement that she had written to her children over the years.

Over the weekend, I was amazed at this ministry of Krystal's. She wrote notes of encouragement to adults, youth and children alike, students from the Bible school, friends and family. She had a way of making each person feel special and cherished. When children came and stayed overnight in her home, she prayed for each one before bed just as though they were her own. She celebrated life with those around her, feeling it a privilege to go to a dog show, a concert or event just to convey their worth and value.

Krystal had two out East and one here in Minnesota. Her mother told me of the 900 people that came to the visitation out East, a line that stretched outside...people waiting for two or more hours to see the family.

Inside the booklet that we were handed at the visitation, among so many other endearing memories were notes to Krystal from each member of the family, thanking her for her strong love for the Lord and all that she was to them. All three of Krystal's daughters wrote of her as their best friend. The family's love for this gift from heaven held no inhibitions. They held her hand and caressed her hair, over and over. Her watch was upside down, because the limitations of time are no longer.

Krystal wore a white dress. Though she often wore dark colored dresses, she loved the symbolism of the earthly wedding and marriage to our future wedding and marriage with our Savior, as the Bride of Christ. And in God's divine plan, Krystal died as she was entering a wedding ceremony. As a deacon said, "Krystal thought she was walking into Evie's wedding, when in fact she was walking into her wedding with the Lord Jesus Christ."

Krystal said, "We need to fully accept pain before we can fully feel joy." This has spoken much to me over the years. She did not diminish her pain and discomfort. She accepted it and accepted the Lord's strength to endure it. And because she did, she could experience deep-seated joy, relishing each precious moment on this earth.

The funeral was full of joy and weeping, song after song ministering to hearts in ways that words cannot express. A heart gripping song that was sung by an 80+ member choir at the funeral out East was played at this funeral. "We are not alone, our God is with us forever and forever..." A message outlining the various ways people view eternity...some know they are going to hell and don't care...some hope they will get to heaven...some think they are going to heaven because "a benevolent God wouldn't send someone to hell"...and some KNOW that they are going to heaven with a peaceful sense of assurance, drawing them closer to Him. Krystal knew she was going to heaven and lived it. In fact, about a week before she died, she was walking in a nearby woods. She came back with a radiant face and exclaimed, "I was practicing for the rapture!"

And then the burial. It was cold and damp, but an estimated 200 people came to the gravesite. The plain, but beautiful wood casket was rested on planks and after songs, Scripture readings and prayer, the pall bearers gently lowered her body into the grave with straps. The box was sealed, and the pall bearers each took a shovel to fill the hole. The disturbed earth had a frozen crust and as the men chipped away at the hardness of life, the rest of us sang. We sang every song that came to mind of God's faithfulness, goodness and the promise of heaven. Tears came with each shovelfull placed over her. Then Krystal's son came and took his turn with the shovel...then her husband...then her other son...tears streaming down their cheeks and ours. Before we were done, men and women alike took turns lifting the crusted earth and covering the grave. It was a beautiful sight. A labor of love.

Saturday night the family was provided supper at our church. A very gifted lady of our church drew an incredible picture of Krystal in heaven and made a wedding cake for them.

Last night was a time for the family and our church family to share memories, pray and spend time together, saying good-bye as the family is returning East until the end of the Bible school year.

Every once in awhile, in private fellowhip time with each other, someone would say, " the wedding yesterday...I mean the funeral..." Oh, yes.

One person told of the time when Krystal was in the hospital preparing for the birth of their youngest child. She was on heart monitors and if her heart started pumping irregularly, nurses from ICU would come running. Krystal welcomed any pastor to come a pray with her and, just like Krystal, she would never think of interrupting a pastor that was praying. So, as one particular pastor was praying, her heart started beating irregularly and alarms at the nurses station went off. Even though she was in much pain and discomfort, she would not say a word. The nurses came in, also without a word, and started wheeling her cart out of the room. The pastor opened his eyes to Krystal being halfway out the door!

Another told of staying at Krystal's home and in the morning, walking past the open-door bathroom, saw Krystal braiding her daughter's hair, singing over her and telling her how much her mommy loved her.

Again, song after song was requested and sung amongst memories shared.

The evening concluded with all of us standing in a circle around the perimeter of the church sanctuary, praying for the family. Krystal's husband requested that we all sing, "When We See Christ". I couldn't help but cry... again... as I looked over to see the family with eyes closed and outstretched hands lifted to the Lord in worship and surrender as they sang.



Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for sharing about Krystal's funeral. My heart was there with you even though I was physically unable to come. I have many precious memories of Krystal from about 30 years ago, and treasure them all.

Destination...Gloryland! said...

Yes, she surely was a very special lady. What a blessing to know that so many have been drawn together because of a precious sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...
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