Saturday, January 28, 2006

Camping in

Last night we camped in my son's bedroom for family night. We drank hot chocolate and read stories by flashlight. Our tent was a parachute that hung suspended from curtain rods, a basketball hoop stand and closet shelves. Four stories and about an hour of wiggling later, we were all asleep...except for me. I admit, I couldn't handle being pinned between my daughter and the wall. I went and slept in my own comfy bed. I hope they aren't scarred for life.

This morning the children were still carrying their new Dollar Store flashlights with them wherever they went. I overheard my son whisper to my daughter after they got up, "Let's go back in my room and see if the tent is still there!"

Today we plan to do some sledding down the back hill.

Fun days...

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