Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bits and Pieces

Well, I finished reading an excellent book today. I don't read novels often because I get so engrossed with them that I can hardly do anything else. When my husband called yesterday and I told him that I started this book he said, "So are we going to have supper tonight?" Thank goodness for pre-made meals in the freezer... Needless to say, being a reading maniac for two days doesn't leave time for blogging.

My 15 month old, more affectionately called "Whirlwind" has been hard at it. We've talked off and on about getting a bigger dining room table, but it's times like these when I'm thankful for our folding chairs. They are getting folded often as he is able to climb up the chairs and onto the table in 5 seconds flat. All of a sudden I look over to see him sitting on the table with this grin and then he giggles.

We just recieved our 9 volume set of Little House on the Prairie books along with the "Prairie Primer". It is a homeschool curriculum that goes along with the books, unit study wise. Yes, my children are young and we probably will only do a small portion of what is included in the books, but they simply LOVE having me read to them and we wanted to incorporate some books that have chapters so that they get the idea that all books aren't finished in one sitting. This is something that we can do a few times in their homeschooling years and do more of the activities as they are able.

A good friend just stopped in, so I'll cut this short.

Hope you are having a blessed day!


jump4joy said...

What were you reading?? I am an avid reader but it seems to come in bits and pieces anymore. Once in awhile I stay up late to finish a book and then I have to catch up the next day. It seems that so often I get sleepy when I read...must be getting older!!! Would love to hear what you enjoy reading. Lorene

Destination...Gloryland! said...
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no_average_girl said...

yes, do share these good books with us!

and, i remember doing the little house primer years ago when i was quite a bit younger lol - i recall it being a great curriculum. i loved reading, and the books were out of this world! hope you enjoy doing them as much as our family did!