Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Bible according to a 4 year old

I spend a lot of time picking up around here after little ones that "just don't get it" when it comes to putting away what they take out or cleaning up after themselves. I know that it's just how it is at this point in their little lives, but I have to admit that it is very frustrating at times. So in training my children to clean and pick-up the house, I want them to know that this is life. Sometimes we have to clean up after another person's mess...and we can do it cheerfully. The cheerful part is just as much training for me as for them.

Yesterday my 4 year old son was given the assignment of cleaning up the boots, coats, hats and mittens that the 22 month old had strewn around while the rest of us were assigned other jobs. He became quite exasperated and shouted, "The Bible says 'the one who smashes something has to pick it up!!'"

I began dreaming about this. What if this was how it was? My housekeeping would be so much easier! I'd have time I didn't know what to do with!

Now, if I could only find that verse...


jump4joy said...

Sure wish I could find that had me smiling and even laughing a bit over that one. My children have some of the same problem...they think the one who made the mess should clean it up. True, but we also have to be willing to help others out esp if they are younger than us and can't do very well.

Destination...Gloryland! said...

Yea, this servant stuff is really hard to swallow sometimes, but there MUST be a way to overcome this if Jesus called us to be such. :)

ampraisingHim said...

Very neat post.

I'm not sure if I can comment anymore on your site. My computer came up with a strange message when I clicked onto this page. Hopefully this will go thru...:)

ampraisingHim said...

Well, it went thru, even though I get a strange message. :) Glad to still have access,have a great night.

Destination...Gloryland! said...

Yeah, I switched over to the new beta version of Blogger. I don't know if it was a good idea or not. Apparently everyone will have to switch over eventually. Anyway, there are little quirks here and there. Sorry!

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