Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Waiting in wonder

My three year old son amazes me. This past winter my children saw a deer out our window. J. promptly wanted to put on all of his winter garb. After the 10 minutes that it takes to bundle up a child for the snow, he went out and walked over to where the deer had been. He stood there for a good 15-20 minutes just looking and waiting, hardly moving. I kept checking on him to make sure that he wasn't getting overly cold or had walked out of site. He was always there, with no sign of getting cold. I was a bit in awe of his patience. I had never seen such behavior from him before.

Now again today, I spotted him through the window as he watched a gold finch on our bird feeder and VERY slowly and meticulously stepped toward it to get as close as he could before it inevitably flew away. His eyes showed wonder and amazement. I was again in awe.

But then, I think that he was in awe, too. He may not understand it all, but really he was in awe of God's creatures that are all around us, yet won't let us touch them. Though never taught, his spirit knew that these creatures are mysterious and precious and he wanted to get an upclose glimpse. The world God created is vast and he is just begining to see it.

Oh, to see things as a small child. That is what God desires.

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