Friday, August 05, 2005


Our 7 month old is now the proud owner of two bottom teeth. It makes me want to cry. He's yet another step away from my little baby. Yet, I love this age. He screeches with delight when we play peek-a-boo and he loves to blow "raspberries". He has been known to get the biggest kick out of someone, for some unknown reason, and cracks up laughing. Of course then everyone else is cracking up laughing.

If we are at the table eating, he makes it very clear that he is to be there too. He is learning what it means to be a part of this family and we are very happy to accomodate.

Even though he's a big boy and is not fully crawling, he loves his walker. We have painted concrete floors that make it exceedingly easy for him to get around. He very purposefully manipulates his walker directly to the bookshelf and empties it with glee. He can just as purposefully come rolling when we call with open arms and he does so with exuberance.

His smile is infectious and when I pick him up, he lets out a special giggle as he curls his head down into my shoulder. Today we had a very engaging conversation of coos, screeches and of course, more "raspberries".

He is enthrawled with his mama and I am enthrawled with him.

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