Friday, April 07, 2006

Fire drills and eternity

Recently we learned about fire safety. After getting new fire detectors that detect different kinds of fires (i.e. smoldering fires and hot, flaming fires), putting a fire extinguisher in the master bedroom as well as the kitchen, and getting carbon monoxide detectors, we thought we had better practice getting out of the house. We were shown how important real-life fire drill practice is during a presentation we attended.

Last evening we had the children lay down in their beds as though they were sleeping, sounded the fire alarm with the test button and had them unlatch their windows and escape. We had set up a meeting place for everyone outside. We also practiced running out the front door if the fire was in the garage for example. Of course they wanted to keep practicing the window escape over and over. We had to put a stop to the drills after five times or so, but I think that they got the idea. Now we need to practice surprise fire drills...

Here is my son going out his window. That black fur is the dog who had to get in on the action.

Here they are running to the meeting area outside.

I pray that we don't ever need to escape our home because of a fire, but if we do, I'm glad we've practiced how to get out.

Even though a physical fire would be horrible to experience, it is absolutely nothing compared to the spiritual fire of eternal judgment. I pray much for the salvation of my children's souls. May they come to realize the sinful nature within them that needs a Savior. May they be willing to believe and repent. I pray that they will have hearts that are soft toward the Lord, a desire to serve Him with their whole hearts no matter what the cost, and a steadfastness of unwavering devotion to the One who died for them. May the fire of the Holy Spirit burn brightly within giving wisdom, perseverance and enthusiasm to walk out their Faith with integrity and consistency.

And then this verse:

Heb 12:28-29
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be
moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.KJV

Lord, may the fire of Your spirit consume us, molding us into Your image. We are not our own. We were bought with the precious blood of Jesus. What can we do but serve You?


Star said...

Great post!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your prayers and words of support.

Anonymous said...

You've reminded me...I need to do this again with my children. The older ones remember, but the littles need to learn.

Wonderful application!