Friday, June 24, 2005

Falling chip

Recently it was our turn to host our cell group from church. It was a wonderful evening filled with lively discussion about how to "walk out" our walk of Faith. Of course food is a part of the night as well, including chips and salsa. Cell group ended for the evening and everyone started for home. There was a bit of salsa left on the counter and my husband likes hot food. He married a Norwegian. Norwegians and hot food rarely mix. His opportunities to have hot food are very rare indeed. This night he had an incling for hot salsa and proceeded to put tabasco sauce...a lot of tabasco sauce, in the leftover salsa. He took a bite and said, "Whew, THAT is really hot!" I was thinking, "Well, YOU put the tabasco sauce in it."

Just then, we hear a chip fall to the floor. Keith and I turn to see Joshua, glassy-eyed and stone-faced. His hand was still up in the air, positioned as though holding a chip near his mouth, but of course without the chip. He was very statue-ish. After a few seconds, this poor boy says in a raspy whisper, "WATER". As much as we felt sorry for him, we couldn't help but laugh. I asked him if he wanted some yogurt. His head nodded slightly and he suddenly had the ability to walk to the table. He finished the quart of yogurt before he said that his mouth felt better. ...I'm curious to see if he likes hot food when he gets older.

Another quote from Joshua today:
"I want to smell what it looks like."


Pilgrim said...

I have never heard of a Norwegian Mennonite. I'm wondering about the story behind that. :-)
I feel for your son. I bought some Wasabi peanuts at Trader Joe's, on the recommendation of another blogger. Oh my goodness. The rest will just have to sit in a glass container as a still life. :-)

Anonymous said...

Julana, I'm at my inlaws house with webtv, and this is very different from my computer at home, so I'll have to comment more later, but for now, suffice it to say that we were not Mennonite all our lives. Actually our church is not Mennonite officially, but is probably resembles a Mennonite church more than any other. We joined our church 2 1/2 years ago. More later...

Anonymous said...

Heidi- sorry to bug u by blog but my emails never get through to you... what is up? Sarah