Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Little Trees

Conversation with my 3 year old son... He is still sitting at the dinner table while everyone else has left and I am sitting on the neaby couch feeding my 5 month old.

Joshua- "Mom, can I have dessert?"
Me-"You have to eat everything on your plate first."
Joshua-Pointing to the chop suey, "I'll eat this and then we can say, 'YEA' and then I can have some dessert."
Me-"You have to eat the broccoli too, Joshua"
Joshua-"MOM! Don't call it broccoli, call it 'little trees'!"
Me-"OK, you have to eat the little trees."
Joshua-Hush for about 15 seconds. "Mom, why do I have to eat the little trees?"
Me-"Because they are good for you and have vitamins in them."
Joshua-"Mom, I don't smell any vitamins in them!"

Intermingled in this conversation is my 5 month old who stops eating to look at me and starts in with his contagious smile and laugh.


Japheth said...

Welcome to Bloging!! I agree with your son, broccoli always seamed a little green to me and I never enjoyed "wood" all that much :-)

Aimee said...

You are one of the most creative moms I know . . . In so many ways you make life and learning more interesting! Keep it up!

Blessings to you and yours! Your friend!

Pilgrim said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

What a fun welcome to the world of blogging! Thank you for the encouragement!