Saturday, June 18, 2005

First Generation Christians

A few weeks ago, our family visited another church while on a get-away weekend. The message was about first generation Christians versus second generation Christians. In looking at examples in the Bible, it seems that there are many examples of children who fell away or never adopted the love and devotion to the Lord of their parents. Eli's sons fell away, Samuel's sons did evil in the sight of the Lord. Even Solomon, though he is said to be the wisest man that ever lived, started worshipping other Gods, and stored up wives and horses and did business with Egypt, which was against God's commands for kings stated earlier in the Bible. It is never stated in the Psalms that David had horses or that he did business with Egypt. We may see Solomon in Heaven, but there are many things in Scripture that indicate that his walk with the Lord was not like David's. I desire that my children's relationship with Christ be even stronger than mine. I desire that their walk with the Lord so transform their lives that they are like first generation Christians.

So the question becomes, what can we do as Christian parents to help provide fertile ground for our children to love the Lord with their whole being and acknowledging their own desperate need for a Savior? Obviously living in a Christian home, attending church and saying all the right things doesn't "make" someone a Christian. It's just like someone who said, "Attending a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a garage makes you a car!"

In pondering this and talking with friends, two fertilizers that we can use are prayer and using the word "because". I am forever grateful for the memory of seeing my mother during her personal devotion and prayer time in the mornings. I have a permanent picture of her sitting on the couch reading her Bible with the cat on her lap and a cup of coffee in hand. I am convinced that her prayers played a very significant role in bringing me into the Kingdom of God. I also want to be willing to take the time to say, "Yes, because..." and "No, because...", and "I'm not sure, because...". Lord willing, my children will grow to the age of accountability before the Lord and will need to make a decision for or against Him, but I want to give them reasons for my Faith to give them a springboard from which to make their own decisions.

Of course there are likely many other "fertilizers" out there. I would love to hear of more. Making second generation Christians "first generation Christians" is what it's all about.

1 comment:

Japheth said...

You said it so well!! Even though I want my children to walk in the path we teach them, if it never becomes "theirs" personaly, it will only be second hand steam, lacking the vitality of personal faith. This is something we, who grew up in the church, tend to forget,that although we have been in the "garage" all the time, there still must be a transformation into a "car." God Bless you and K as you seek to lead your children in the paths of rightousness, even thought the path is rough at times. Even though we walk with you, we are so often encouraged by you!