Friday, June 17, 2005


One of the most difficult things for me is to have a good attitude when I am uncomfortable, irritated or tired. I tend to put my emotions on my sleeve, so if I'm upset, I want others to know it and stay clear! I have to say that I think that I have grown in the area of doing what I don't want to and trying to be a more supportive and understanding wife, but...having said that, there is SO much more work to be done in my heart!

About a year ago, I was talking to a lady in our church, whom I very much admire, about this subject. She told me, "Yes, there are times that we have to do things that we don't want to and we should have a good attitude about it too!" Yikes! That hit me between the eyes. You mean that I should be happy and joyful with a smile on my face when I'm doing something that I don't want to? I thought that I was doing good to complete what had to be done. For a long time, my attitude was, "If I'm upset, that's just the way it is and smiling is hypocritical. I'm pretending to be joyful when I'm not."

I'm starting to learn that I don't have to be stubborn about this. I can smile, and smiling actually does make me feel more joyful and willing to do what needs to be done. It seems silly to think that I actually have to practice smiling at my children, but when I do, I'm happier and so are they. I get smiles and hugs back and our home is more joyful and peaceful. This is when I begin to understand that "the joy of the Lord is [my] strength!"

1 comment:

Truthseeker said...

Heidi, thank you for this encouraging post. Your honesty is refreshing and I hope that you reach many young families with your sharing of episodes from your life. The sharing of such lessons is vital in helping each other to cope and grow as we bring our families up in the admonition of the Lord. I could have used this form of communication when I was bringing up my children, it would have been so uplifting to compare notes with another father or mother back then. Keep up the good work you are doing in service to God by raising your children and living life on this side of glory!