Thursday, February 23, 2006

To the anonymous commenter

I've been thinking of you today, wondering what sort of person you REALLY are. Anyone can write comments anonymously to get a laugh, but who are you INSIDE? What would cause someone to write vulgar and accusatory words about those who love the Lord?

Are you someone who's father left when you were young? Were you picked on mercilously by siblings or classmates? Maybe you felt left out and alone, so you have gravitated towards the "party scene". Are you the victom of abuse? Have you taken on the anger that you experienced from your parents growing up? Did someone hurt you so badly, that your bitterness has taken over your life? What are you lashing out at?

Did a so-called "Christian" fail you in some way? Do you feel that God has failed you? When you see those that claim to be Christians, do you just see hypocrites?

To have someone like you make a comment like you did... and then return again to make another, pricks my thoughts. I don't believe that you are just a random person that happened to come across my blog. For whatever reason, God directed you here...maybe to never return. Maybe you will never even read this. At any rate, God has used it to bring compassion for hurting souls like yourself. For that, I am thankful.

Just so you know, I'm praying for you.


Aimee said...

Yeah, me too.

TheNormalMiddle said...

Hey there! I wasn't the anonymous commenter but I wanted to say thanks for your comments over at my blog and I'm enjoying reading yours! A fellow sister in Christ!

Anonymous said...

Almost all christians i have met are hypocrits. Sorry for the spelling. I am tired of the false fasad they put on. the hollier than thou. Is what i call. Ok here is a Q for you. How come in the concervative circles the woman have to dress so much differently than the world and the men can pretty much wear everyday clothing. I was just in town and saw a mennonite couple. He was wearing a sleevless shirt and saddles and she was wearing a full bagging dress and socks that probably went up to her waist and shoes. Can you explaine this.

Destination...Gloryland! said...

Anonymous, Keith or I WILL relay our thoughts to your excellent question, don't worry. My husband and I are very thankful that you have taken the time to ask questions.

We are not asking for you to divulge your identity, but we would appreciate knowing whether you are a man or a woman. That would help us determine which one of us would be most Biblically appropriate to respond to your questions.

Once again, thank you for your honest and legitimate question and observations.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon,

I've wondered the same thing. Living here in FL I have many opportunities to go to the beach. Last time I was there I saw a Plain couple. While the women was wearing a (very modest) long dress, covering w/strings, etc. etc., the man was wearing shorts and a tank top. Even though I have no problem w/ men wearing shorts and/or tank tops, I was saddened and thoroughly disgusted by what seemed to be a case of "I'm a guy, I can do whatever... Anyway, I have rambled on long enough, and besides, who am I to comment, I'm not this women. However, I do know that before my parents' divorce/dad leaving the church that my mother was very upset by the 'double standard' that existed. To sum it up, GUYS - let's make sure we are treating the ones we love with consideration and respect, and search our own lives for 'double standards'. ... Later

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter if I am a male or female? What if I asked you this question in persone. Would you say oh i cant answer that im not qualifyed? Sorry you just aint cuttin it. I had a preacher tell me one time that he had to get back with me on something cause he didnt even no it was int he bible. What kinda man is that. So can you please just answer the ?. If it makes you feel better y dont bother of you answerr it together like a husband and wife working together in harmony with the lord. Hope to here from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey btw you can turn off your blog guard ill start using good lang. Bye now.

Destination...Gloryland! said...


Excellent observation and your disgust over the inconsistency is a breath of fresh air.


Point taken regarding your gender. Keith and I will write a post together as a comment could get quite long. It's coming very soon.

Also, I'd be happy to take comment moderation off. Thank you.