Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The "Lost Forty"

Yesterday we took an excursion to a little known treasure of a state park. The "Lost Forty" is 144 acres of land that was surveyed incorrectly years ago. The team of surveyors at the time apparently didn't want to go out in the cold rain of November and thought that a nearby lake was larger than it was. Hence the 144 acres was never logged. Because of that, it is a rare look into what this area looked like before the loggers came. 350 year old red and white pines tower above you as you meander on the walking trail. A couple of the trees my husband and I could barely touch hands around the trunk.

The children just loved it! Sincer there wasn't anyone around, we let them run down the paths as long as they stayed in sight. We had a regular homeschool field trip, learning to identify the trees, what happens to trees when a forest fire goes through (a fire went through part of the area years ago and you can tell which way the fire was heading by the marks on the base of the tree trunk) and the history of the area. Of course pictures don't do justice to the magnificence of the area, but I had to try!

We were the only ones there when we first arrived and by the time we left, only one other vehicle was there, but we never saw them, and a van was pulling up. It was amazing to us that on a national holiday, no one was really there. Yet, you really could get lost getting to the Lost Forty, with lots of gravel roads. It feels like you are in the middle of nowhere, yet what a special middle-of-nowhere place it is!

Ps 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the
firmament sheweth his handywork.


jump4joy said...

sounds like a neat place for a family excursion. It is wonderful to view God's creation in this way. Wish I could see husband and boys would especially love seeing the big trees and wondering how much lumber they could get out of one, even though they really wouldn't want to see them cut down either. At least not everywhere!! Good to hear from you again. Lorene

ampraisingHim said...

What a gorgeous place for an outing!, and with such an interesting history!! Those trees do certainly reflect God's splendor. I'm glad you and your family enjoyed your day!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Heidi, just dropping in! How nice to check out your home "on line." Your family looks so wonderful, and YOU look like a very happy, blessed, lovely woman. I am so glad to get to know you. :)

I probably will be "sparse" until we are settled in...but I'll be back to visit.

Blessings to you -

Destination...Gloryland! said...

I know that I'm really behind on letting all of you know how much I appreciate you continuing to stop by my blog. I have had things that I've wanted to write about, but just haven't had time to sit down and collect my thoughts. Lord willing, I'll be more consistent in posting again soon!