Tuesday, December 20, 2005

They want to be like us

I have been warned a few times that as our children grow, we will see ourselves in them. Yup, Keith and I are seeing it. For better or for worse.

The other day, my 4 year old daughter came out doing something that I don't even remember right now, but I remember her response to my question of why she was doing whatever it was.

"Because I want to be a mommy just like you."

How flattering and scary at the same time.

Her desire to follow in the role of wife, mother and keeper of the home is so strong. Even when Keith and I gently prod her to go out to the shop with "the boys", she says, "No, I have to stay up in the house with Mom." So we do laundry, wash dishes and whatever other chores I can think of.

My 3 year old son isn't quite as verbal, but I see Keith in him ALL THE TIME. He started laying under vehicles "fixing" them when he was 1 1/2 years old. Most recently I had to take the tank cover off the toilet so that he could see how it works. He stood there looking in the open tank and then wiggled the handle to see how it moved the lever inside, wanting to know what the float was and why there was water in there. A mechanic and "fixer" all the way.

How humbling to think that these miracles from God want to be like us.

But God, I'm not like You enough for them to mimick!

It is keeping me on my knees more and more.


Momof3 said...

I used to run my own in-home daycare, and with six toddlers, 5, 4,3,3,2,1; I enjoyed just listening to conversations between them, and hearing how much they pick up on, which REALLY kept me on my toes about what I say and do and what an example I am, and how God had handed me such an incredible responsibility in these little lives! Oh, how I miss those days and those children! We're starting our own family now, so I can plan ahead for my own 'daycare'! =]
Have a blessed holiday! I enjoy your blog so much!

Destination...Gloryland! said...

Lez, You guys sure sound busy these days...but taking care of 6 toddlers??? You must be quite the lady. I would love to meet you someday!

Momof3 said...

I take it you read our blog? =]
Yes, we stay busy. Right now I'm enjoying my husband's vacation from college! He gets home from work earlier in the evenings and doesn't work as many days! Knowing his next semester is going to be as busy as last, with it ending the beginning of May somehow snuggled up against our baby's birth around that time.....makes me really appreciate any time he has off right now.

I've been told from different mothers of the children I kept that they 'don't know how I do it' and stay sane while keeping that many children. I believe it was my calling from God that kept me in that 'job' as long as I was. I love children!, and thank God for the privilege I had in helping raise all the children I did over the years.